Industrial Motor Drives

Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide power devices run faster, cooler and use less energy than any silicon solution at a comparable cost.
Industrial Motors Powered by Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide

Industrial Motors Powered by Wolfspeed Silicon Carbide

Industrial electric motors, including industrial low voltage motor drives, servo drives, heat pumps and air conditioners, together account for more than 45% of all global electricity consumed annually. Wolfspeed silicon carbide (SiC) devices enhance overall motor efficiency by up to 2.6% or more, reduce overall system losses by up to 50%, and meet stringent efficiency standards including IE4, SEER, ESSER and SCOP levels in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; and China’s GB21455 standards. Additionally, silicon carbide enables system designers to integrate drives and motors, designing smaller, lighter, less complex embedded industrial drives.


Industry-Leading Design Support Tools 


25 kW FM3 Three-Phase Inverter CRD25DA12N-FMC

This three-phase inverter demonstrates unparalleled system level power density and efficiency obtained by using the Wolfspeed WolfPACK™ FM3 power module platform. It is ideal for scaling up to higher power levels.


SpeedVal Kit™ Modular Silicon Carbide Evaluation Platform

This evaluation platform speeds the transition from silicon to silicon carbide (SiC) with a flexible set of building blocks for in-circuit evaluation of system performance at real operating points.


11 kW High Efficiency Three-Phase Motor Drive Inverter

This reference design demonstrates how to use silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs to optimize the performance of a motor drive for auxiliary motors in electric vehicles, HVAC and other similar applications.


7.5 kW Three-Phase Motor Drive Inverter Reference Design

This reference design demonstrates the application of Wolfspeed’s WolfPACK™ FM3 power modules to create a high power density three-phase inverter acting as the output stage of a complete industrial motor drive solution.

Featured Content 

September 19, 2024
Silicon carbide is enabling a global shift to embedded industrial low voltage motor drives where the drive and motor are combined into one unit, resulting in…

Energy & Power

On-Demand Webinar

During this webinar, Wolfspeed silicon carbide expert Pranjal Srivastava will dig into why it is time to modernize embedded and integrated motors to address climate change.

Learn how SpeedFit™ Design Simulator enables more precise motor drive design

Quickly test Wolfspeed’s silicon carbide power devices and design more efficient, smaller and quieter industrial single and three-phase motor drive systems including industrial low voltage motor drives, servo drives, and compressors for heat pumps and air conditioners. SpeedFit offers a detailed selection of heat sink parameters, bringing your simulation closer to real-time conditioners and implementation.

Energy & Power Design Support

Allow us an opportunity to assess your project and help bring your vision to market faster.

About our Team of Experts

Our team of global applications engineers are available to answer your questions to ensure your power conversion or energy storage system design meets your performance expectations. If you’re transitioning from silicon to gallium nitride (GaN) or silicon carbide (SiC), we’ll help identify the right switching device to achieve the power density and increased efficiency your application requires.