Empower RF Smart Module Family

Empower RF offers a full line of basic function and smart function module level
The same modules we use in our Next Generation platform of system amplifiers are available to you! Optimize mobile performance out-of-the-box with optional configuration software.

Empower RF Smart Module Family

Part Number
Frequency (MHz)
Psat / Technology
SKU 1213
1-30 MHz
50 W / LDMOS
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SKU 1193
20-1000 MHz
100 W / LDMOS
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SKU 1211
500-2500 MHz
100 W / GaN
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SKU 1199
500-2500 MHz
100 W / GaN
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SKU 1219
500-6000 MHz
25 W / GaN
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RF & Microwave Support

Allow us an opportunity to assess your project and help bring your vision to market faster.

About our Team of Experts

Richardson RFPD has a team of over 50 technical resources available to provide design assistance on a variety of topics.  Although there are too many to name, we have highlighted specific topics that provide a representation of our support.