Innoscience - ISG3201 

100 V Half-Bridge SolidGaN Integrating Gate Driver
Compact, High-Performance SolidGaN Integrated Half-Bridge Solution with Driver 

Compact, High-Performance SolidGaN Integrated Half-Bridge Solution with Driver 

Innoscience’s ISG3201 is a complete half-bridge circuit that includes two 100 V, 3.2 mΩ InnoGaN HEMTs and the required driver circuitry in an LGA package measuring just 5×6.5×1.1mm.

The ISG3201  has a 34 A continuous current capability, zero reverse recovery charge, and ultra-low on resistance. Thanks to the high level of integration, gate loop and power loop parasitics are kept below 1 nH. As a result, voltage spikes on switching nodes are minimized. The turn-on speed of the half-bridge GaN HEMTs can be adjusted using a single resistor.

ISG3201  - Key Features

100 V
3.2 mΩ + 3.2 mΩ
9.2 nC + 9.2 nC
230 A

Additional Innoscience Resources

The INN100W032A is a 100 V enhancement-mode GaN power transistor for Class D audio, high-frequency DC-DC converters, motor drives and more.
The INN650D080BS is a 650 V GaN-on-Silicon enhancement-mode power transistor in 8 mm × 8 mm dual flat no-lead (DFN) package.

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