SiC Makes for Smarter Semi Fab/Process Power Supplies

SiC Makes for Smarter Semi Fab/Process Power Supplies

September 11, 2022

Silicon Carbide Power Modules

Semiconductor device fabrication processes have several distinct and intricate steps. Power supplies used in semiconductor fab equipment are essential for every task at the front and back end of the process. Due to its power density, reliability, and design flexibility, engineers are seeing the benefits of using Silicon Carbide (SiC) compared with silicon-based power supplies in applications where it hasn’t been used before.

Power density and flexibility are why Wolfspeed and Astrodyne TDI (ATDI) joined forces to exploit the benefits of SiC technology to meet the diverse power supply needs of modern semiconductor fab/process equipment. Our combined efforts have enabled higher power density through the adoption of SiC devices, most notably with ATDI’s new Kodiak power supply platform, which achieves a power density of 40 W/in3. Specifically, Wolfspeed’s long history in developing robust SiC-based solutions is helping ATDI provide better power converters, which in turn help customers improve process control.

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