5G Drives mmWave Technology Across Multiple Industries

5G Drives mmWave Technology Across Multiple Industries

August 8, 2022

5G, Aerospace & Defense, Cellular Infrastructure, Test & Measurement

The technology in today’s world continues to move higher in frequency to solve problems and improve performance. It is these millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies that offer hope in solving the toughest requirements in many industries such as communications and defense. 5G communication systems benefit from years of research done by defense companies for different applications but similar needs. In telecommunication links, where the need for higher data rates continues to surpass existing techniques, solutions are moving to 28 GHz and 39 GHz.

A result of this increased IC development at high frequencies is an increase in the number of technologies that militaries need to contend with on the battlefield. Defense applications, such as when saving a stranded crew member at sea, benefit from the improved resolution of high frequency radars that can more clearly resolve objects. Additionally, many of the ICs designed for telecommunications must be low cost and suitable for high volume manufacturing to make them easier to deploy. A byproduct of all this activity is the need for test instruments to verify that the solutions function across the application space.

This article will briefly describe how many industries benefit or react to shared common technology. The IC supply chain is examined along with how IC supply chains are reacting to these new requirements. This article will also show how mmWave frequencies help to solve today’s challenges, followed by examples of ADI technology that makes this possible.

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