High Performance Integrated 24 GHz FMCW Radar Transceiver Chipset for Auto and Industrial Sensor Applications

High Performance Integrated 24 GHz FMCW Radar Transceiver Chipset for Auto and Industrial Sensor Applications

February 22, 2022

24 GHz Radar

The ADF5904 is a highly integrated, 4-channel, 24 GHz receiver downconverter MMIC with the industry’s best combination of low noise performance, high linearity, and low power consumption.

The ADF5904 integrated, multichannel receiver downconverter achieves a 10 dB noise figure that is 3 dB better than competing devices. While using 50% less power, it is assembled in a small, cost-effective 5 mm × 5 mm LFCSP plastic package.

Each of the device’s four on-chip receive channels use a simple, single-ended connection to four individual antennas, which simplifies RF transmission line design and PCB layout, and reduces board size.

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