Avionics generally refers to all electronics used on an aircraft. This application section focuses exclusively on L-band ground-based or airborne transponders covering 960-1215MHz; including ADS-B, DME, IFF, Mode-S, SSR, and TCAS. Avionics communication products and design support are included under Communications. Avionics communication and navigation products and support can be found under SatCom/SatNav.

Richardson RFPD supplies both commercial-grade and avionics/military-grade components for the radio frequency (RF) and microwave sections of transponder/DME systems, including a complete line of discrete and integrated semiconductors and passive RF components.

Featured Avionics Products

Guerrilla RF

LNA/Linear Driver


RF & MW Power Amplifier


RF Power Amplifier Pallet

Innovative Power Products

RF Hybrid Coupler


Amplifiers, Prescalers & Control Products

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RF & Microwave Support

Allow us an opportunity to assess your project and help bring your vision to market faster.

About our Team of Experts

Richardson RFPD has a team of over 50 technical resources available to provide design assistance on a variety of topics.  Although there are too many to name, we have highlighted specific topics that provide a representation of our support.